Addicted to Much
I recently took a mental inventory of what I needed to do this week. Aside from breathing and work, I wrote down in my notebook the following “To Do’s:”
Zumba Class – Tuesday and Thursday
Ballroom Class – Starting Wednesday
Blogs – Post on MGF Tuesday and Thursday, MGF Travel Wednesday and Friday
Speech and Debate Retreat – Saturday and Sunday with 40 kids “in the hills.” Find camping stuff and pack Friday.
Massage – Schedule for Friday (if you can)
Now, none of this is stuff I actually HAVE to do. They are choices. I should be able to step back and say no to something right? And why did I write the massage as optional? Shouldn’t I definitely take time to pamper myself? The world isn’t going to fall apart if I skip something on this list.
As I kept staring at this list, I kept asking myself, “How’d I end up committing to all this stuff?” I know I need to find time to rest and relax – but I keep feeling like I’m not doing enough when I do. You know that feeling, don’t you? You’re sitting at home, just chilling…maybe watching your favorite television at its allotted time, NOT on TiVo. And then you feel it: A creepy uneasiness settles about you. Sometimes it feels like you’ve forgotten something. You get all jumpy and look around, wondering what’s amiss.
Then it hits you: YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING. And it feels wrong!
What’s up with that?! Since when did an over inflated schedule become the coolest status symbol to have? With all sorts of technology meant to organize our life, it’s like we looked at it and wondered why there were holes in our schedule. So we set out to fill those holes. It started with something you might need…like a class or working out. Then it ballooned to a hobby you thought you might want to try. Why not? You’re doing something you actually like. But then we started comparing notes and subconsciously started getting OCD about it!
It’s like we got addicted to doing something…anything…as long as it kept us busy!
But why does it have to be this way? Why do I feel guilty if I skip a posting and then work like mad to double up the next day? Love to dance/exercise at Zumba – but I hate forcing myself to a session when I know I’m tired. The body should rest in order to lose weight, but I can’t seem to stop guilt-tripping myself to get that rest.
I seriously need to re-evaluate this stuff. Break the addiction…or at least take time off for myself. There is nothing wrong with just kicking back and doing nothing. And it’s high time we realize that.
So this week – take something out of your schedule. Decide what’s truly important and what can actually wait until the next day. We work way too hard as it is, and we deserve a little down time!
No use being addicted to much when there’s so much more out there!
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