The Modern Girl Friday

She's the sidekick, but she can be the whole show. She gives as good as she takes. She's one of the guys. She's all woman. She's a red-blooded, say what she wants with a twinkle in her eye, I won't take crap kinda girl.

Monday, April 24, 2006

List Week 2006: Things MGFs Find Adorable in Guys

Okay...I have to admit, this list was driven by the fact that a lot of my guy friends have been getting trampled on lately by some non-MGF types. So, here's a little ego boost fellas! - Lily

1. The way you looked balled up while you’re sleeping: You spend most of the day trying to be Alpha Males. The testosterone always seems to be going and you’re probably subconsciously trying to prove something to someone every minute of the day. But it’s so sweet, to walk into the bedroom and see you sleeping peacefully. Especially when a smile comes across your face while you're in La La Land. We know you’re dreaming happily…even if it is about your woman and another girl (Cut them some slack here, ladies. It’s not like we can read their minds!).

2. The child-like look that crosses your face when you’re in “boy mode:” It could be because you leveled up on Grand Theft Auto. It could be because you just kicked your best friend’s ASS in poker. Or it might be because you found a new techie gadget. However, it’s that look of pride on your face, like the one you had in 2nd grade when you scored the winning goal, that makes our hearts melt.

3. We love how you try to fix things: It doesn’t matter that you’re not handy with the power tools. But you’re trying. Why? Because we know deep down inside, it’s your way of trying to take care of us. And the tool belt slung low on your hips isn’t hard on the eyes either.

4. Cologne: Hei,CK1, Polo Blue, Cool Water, Obsession, Drakkar, Tommy, Lagerfeld, Boss, Dolce and Gabbana, Escape, Eternity, Halston, Realm, Versace, Armani, Dior Homme, Dijan, Burberry, Bulgari, Acqua di Gio, Curve, Hermes, Black by Kenneth Cole, Fendi, Gucci, Herrera for Men, Helmut Lang, Escada, Marc Jacobs, Nautica, Opium for Men, Paco Raban, Pierre Cardin….hell…we’ll take Old Spice too. Just wear it!

5. When you try to purposely make “incidental” contact: You know the move. You’re walking along with a girl you really like. You’ve made mooning at eyes at each other for the last hour, but both of you are too chicken to do anything. So you decide to man up. In one deep breath, you reach over and brush her hand. Once your hand knocks against hers, you let out a “surprised” exclamation like “Whoops!” But we know the truth. Just grab our hand (or anything else you think might be appropriate), okay?

6. When you’re hanging out with kids: Orchid was asked one day by Captain Napalm, “Why do women go crazy when they see a man holding a little baby?” Guys, it’s the dichotomy of extremes. Here’s a big guy, a man who can move personal mountains sitting there with a little child. Someone so fragile that they can’t defend themselves. Also, when you hang around kids, your inner kid comes out and nothing is more adorable than seeing someone have pure fun.

7. We love it when you sing. Even though we complain it’s off-key: By performing, you’re showing us that you are completely comfortable with being you! You’re serenading us! What woman DOESN’T LOVE THAT! I know…I give Lenny a hard time…but deep down inside, I love it when he sings (even if it’s Weird Al).

8. The way your ass looks in those pants: Just bend over, please? Real…slow…like.

9. When WE get you to blush: No matter how long you’ve been with a guy, it’s real satisfying to know that you can still GET HIM. Besides, demure is sexy…even in a guy. It shows that he has standards. At least he has standards around you.

10. The way you get tongue tied, when you’re smitten: You guys always seem so sure of yourselves. But believe us, when you trip over your words and stammer trying to get some heartfelt moment out…we get all warm on the inside. Even though you’re tripping over your tongue, know that we’re falling in love with you all over again.


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