The Modern Girl Friday

She's the sidekick, but she can be the whole show. She gives as good as she takes. She's one of the guys. She's all woman. She's a red-blooded, say what she wants with a twinkle in her eye, I won't take crap kinda girl.

Friday, May 12, 2006

On Elusive Orchid's Theatre Bill: Cirque du Soleil’s “O”

Happy Friday, MGF readers! What a week it has been (Has it really been a week since I left for Vegas?)! We will continue our Vegas romp until Sunday. Next week, look for some changes in content as Elusive Orchid and BrownSuga become permanent contributors on MGF Blog. Until then...have a great weekend, everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all the women! Be well and be safe everyone! - Lily

What can I say about this show? It was exquisitely beautiful, freaky, funny and amazing at the same time. I’m not a big fan of clowns, I never have been. Ever since seeing the slew of insane clown horror flicks as a child, who can blame me?

However, clowns aside, I do love water and I’ve seen documentaries on the Cirque team. What they can do with their bodies is wondrous to say the least. When FJ found out I was off to Vegas he asked me if I would like to go see a show (it’s nice to have connected friends). For this, I thank him profusely.

I live in a big city so theatre shows are plentiful and I frequent them when my schedule allows. Given all the shows I have seen, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I’m happy to say this show absolutely took my breath away.

Cirque has a myriad of theatrical pieces running all over the world. However, “O” is unique, even for them, because the whole show revolves around an aquatic theme. . Contained within the program is ancient folklore, myth and a blending of many cultures. Rituals are taken from many lands including Hawaii, Samoa and New Zealand. It incorporates synchronized swimming, trapeze, contortionists, high dives and fire to name a few. All of these are set to music that is at once sensual, surreal and haunting.

As a matter of fact the whole show is surreal. The stage is a riot of colors. The show opens draped with brilliant red curtains. These curtains flutter down onto the stage and then fly off in all directions as if possessed by some unseen spirit. It at once lends a mystique and surreal atmosphere that pervades the whole theatrical experience. All over the stage action is taking place. The one element that keeps it from becoming a sensory overload is the interlacing choreography. Everything is very well timed and flows beautifully.

The thought that went into this production must have been monumental. As with any theatrical show, safety of the cast is of utmost concern. In this case the viewer expects to see some of the safety equipment included within the program. However, the producers, cast and crew have done such a phenomenal job with this aspect that the safety riggings are incorporated quite seamlessly and effortlessly. I really didn’t notice these additions until they were well in place and even then, they did not detract from the fluidity and exquisiteness of the show.

In the end, “O” is a fantasy wonderland. The scenery, costumes, music and painted cast all keep the viewers in this dream world. Sadly, the Bellagio is the only place where one can see this spectacle. But, that just gives you, the reader, yet another excuse to visit Las Vegas.

I highly recommend this show, even to those who dislike clowns. For those of you who aren’t lucky enough to have a friend with connections save those pennies. “O” is a pricey event with tickets ranging from $93.50 on up. It is however, in my opinion, well worth the price of admission.

In closing, many thanks go out to FJ (I owe you one!) without whom I probably wouldn’t have gone to see “O”…it was a delight to my senses to say the least.

For more information on “O” or any of the Cirque du Soleil productions please visit


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