So Tell Me What You Really Think
Greetings and salutations, MGF Readers! I'm starting my weekend early and hope you have a good one! But no fears, Elusive Orchid and BrownSuga are running the show tomorrow. - Lily
To pass the time while waiting for my flight to board this morning, I purchased a copy of one of my favorite fashion rags, Glamour. Flanked on the left by the OPI nail polish advertisement and on the right by Oil of Olay, this month’s article contributors were highlighted. Normally, the people who are contributors are usually interesting. And Glamour does a really good job making this section different. They ask their contributors to tell the readers “3 Things Women Need to Know.” My eyes fell on the page and landed on the lone male in the layout. Photographer Patric Shaw put in his three cents:
1. “Independence is the sexiest quality woman can have.”
2. “Most men secretly believe women are all-around better than us.”
3. “We love you anyway.”
I reread the information twice and sat back. Here was a man who photographs and works with beautiful women for a living. So, compared to the average guy…he’d know right? But I kept mulling over it. Maybe all guys really did know these three things. The more I thought about conversations I’ve had with Lenny, Ian, Sam and my other guy friends, the more I became convinced of this thought.
In each subsequent generation of women, since the days of the Sexual Revolution, the march towards balance has become the goal. Females want it all: career, family, autonomy and love. We teach girls to be independent and to believe in themselves. But lost in all the “Girl Power” hoopla are the thoughts of the opposite sex.
“I want a woman with a sense of humor.”
“She has to have something between the ears, you know? Otherwise it’s going to be short conversation.”
“No, looks aren’t everything. But a woman being confident in their own skin is a turn on.”
“I love a woman who knows what she wants.”
These are the things men tell me when I ask them what they seek in a woman. But more often than not, I always feel like they’re giving these answers under duress. Why is that?
I think it’s because most media out there today doesn’t provide enough about the male point of view. Look in the magazine rack at the store next time you’re there. Even on the male-oriented magazines, covers scream about how to satisfy women, buy gifts to keep guys out of the doghouse, and how to catch a woman’s attention.
Since MGF Blog is dedicated to making the imbalanced balanced, I pose this challenge to our male readership. We want to hear from you guys! Comment or write an e-mail and let us know what you really think about the gender that many of you adore and cherish. And don’t just tell us the good stuff…we want to hear the bad stuff too!
MGF Gals, don’t think you can’t help this project! Many of you have written to me saying you pass on some of the posts to guys. Don’t stop now!
We want answers fellas! Send your thoughts to The Modern Girl Friday Staff and readers are eagerly waiting to see your responses.
So, now’s your chance guys. Tell us what you really think!
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