The Modern Girl Friday

She's the sidekick, but she can be the whole show. She gives as good as she takes. She's one of the guys. She's all woman. She's a red-blooded, say what she wants with a twinkle in her eye, I won't take crap kinda girl.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

MGF Home Game: One Way Ticket to the Sun

In my short college experience, I had the pleasure of commuting one hour each way for school an average of four times a week. Just having gotten my driver’s license, I really didn’t mind. Anything to get out of the house at that point, right?

Well, one of my favorite things on the morning half of my commute was listening to my favorite morning DJs, Jeff and Jer (now on
Star 94.1 FM). These institutions of San Diego morning drives always cracked me up as I tooled along the I-15 on my way up to good old PCC. There were so many laughs, that I’d need eons of blogging time to catalog it all. But, there was this one segment in particular that always stuck with me.

Every so often, Jeff, Jer, and the crew would play a game called “One Way Shuttle to the Sun.” This is where the morning team would answer the question: What annoying celebrities would you like to pack into a shuttle that was bound for the center of the sun? It would be a riot to listen to who they would choose and why.

Every time I heard this segment, it was this very cathartic instance. Can you imagine being able to pack up Simon Cowell and wave to him as the shuttle sizzled as it entered the sun? I enjoyed the game so much, I would play it on road trips (12-hours in a van crammed with two too many people and their luggage BLOWS) and at long nights at the office while doing data entry. And it would get VICIOUS.

Arguments would result in some of these picks. I even saw the end of a relationship because significant others were at odds about whether or not Courtney Love should be on the shuttle. Two best friends almost got in the mother of all cat fights because one wanted to put Brad Pitt in the First Class cabin.
Lillian enjoyed those moments thoroughly.

What’s that saying? Chaos, panic, and disorder. My job here is done!

I don’t get to play this game very often anymore, as road trips usually consist of me, Lenny, and dueling iPods. But every so often, you hear me mutter under my breath in moments of frustration, “[Insert Name Here], please pick up your one way ticket...sucker.”

Because I don’t get to play the game anymore, I want to play it here! That’s right…it’s reader participation time again!

Here are the rules:

1. Everyone gets THREE picks. Choose wisely.

2. You must have a SOLID reason for placing them on this ill-fated flight. Saying “Because he’s a dick” or “Need I say more” doesn’t count!

3. We will not restrict ourselves to merely celebrities…they are however, the easiest targets.

4. This is not a complete democracy. The MGF staff reserves the right to veto ANY picks that we may deem a miscarriage of justice! (But we can be bribed!)

5. All picks must be submitted by July 22, 2006…let’s not have a repeat of the MGF Mix Tape, okay people?

Okay, MGF faithful…don’t let me down! In this time and age of frustration, think of this as a simple release of stress. Dig deep and be bitter, folks. Trust me on this one, the angrier you are when you think about it – the better this list becomes!

Send your picks to no later than July 22nd. We’ll issue the boarding passes as soon as we can!


Blogger Brown Suga said...

oh goodie! got 2 already...and i promise to e-mail you before....uhhh what was the date again....just kidding *smiles* the 26th! Got it *winks*

July 14, 2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger Lillian T. White said...

My three, four, and five are gonna be tight!

Hmmm...I wonder if we can open up some overhead bin space and add a couple more picks?

LOL...can't wait to see what you come up with BrownSuga!

- Lily

July 14, 2006 11:41 PM  

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