BrownSuga's Sweet Spot: Decisions Descisions
I was all set to write on one topic. Then a friend sent me to a site that intrigued me. It is what I consider a facinating topic. However, on the eve of Election Day 2006 I have decided to go with my first instinct and introduce the other topic at a later date.
Although we here at MGF try to keep the more "hot" topics i.e. religion and politics off the blog, I figured that since it is the day before the election AND what I have to say makes everyone look like b*tches, I didn't think it would a problem. So onto my rant...
This year we've seen an ENORMOUS amount of negative ads. Everyone is at fault, the policitians, the parties, and the ones I really hate are those "special interest" groups.
There is an ad here that talks about a candidate and how his mother sued him and a judge ordered him to never see or speak to his sister. Of course there are the usual ones that talk about Govenors creating legistration to pad their pockets, or the ones that show article after article about how a person REALLY voted while in Congress. But this year we have the ones that use Bush. If you voted with Bush, they are using that to crush you. If you didn't vote with Bush, then they are using troop sympathy to crush you.
One candidate spent 6 million dollars of his own money on negative ads. Can you say "Whose dick is bigger?" complex any louder? My mom and I can't believe people spend money on Halloween decorations so imagine how we feel when we hear about the millions of dollars spent on negative ads. At least I enjoy Halloween.
So next election I have decided that if this happens again, I will keep track of all the negative ads. I need to see just how many times I'm expected to watch this crap during the campaigns.
Every person who has approced, created or paid for one of these ads is despicable. I'm embarrassed to be a citizen of a country that does this. There needs to be some regulation for everyone. The claim is the government can regulate the amount the parties or candidates can spend on ads but the groups have free reign. Until we get rid of the two-party system we are probably stuck with this. But one day...I have a dream :)
So here is my advice for any person running for office anywhere. Tell me what YOU can and will do. Try it you might be surprised that you can catch more flies with honey. Defend yourself. Explain why I should vote for you and not why I shouldn't vote for the other guy. Because I think people are getting smarter and realizing that sometimes there are other choices. And the only people you can give a "resume" on are people you have sex with (that includes yourself and your spouse).
I agree with you - these political ads are a bunch of BS. I saw one (probably the same one) about someone being sued by his mother for him owing her money, or something like that...since when does that matter when it comes to things like creating new jobs for the economy???
I can't wait for November 7 to come and go...
Ms. hit the nail on the head. I'm about to head to the voting poll and I'm so glad that there are still people who want to vote because of what people can do for us THE PUBLIC.
Politicians: You remember us, right? We're the one's who put you in office...
Vote people...and vote your conscience. Deomcracy is great if you open your mind up to it!
BrownSuga...keep rockin' the vote :-)
- Lily
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