The Modern Girl Friday

She's the sidekick, but she can be the whole show. She gives as good as she takes. She's one of the guys. She's all woman. She's a red-blooded, say what she wants with a twinkle in her eye, I won't take crap kinda girl.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bah @#$% Humbug to You Too!

Despite being a child of the sun and the beach and despite living in the desert for the last 10 years, I can say with all certainty: I LOVE WINTER!!!

To me, there is quite a lot I love about the winter. It means hot cocoa and marshmallows or hot apple cider while reading a book. It means my weekend wardrobe is filled with jeans, v-neck sweaters, and a nice scarf. It’s a good, stiff wind that reddens your cheeks. It’s curling up under a thick down comforter for a night to sleep. It’s a great excuse to cuddle on a couch with a DVD and a blanket with your significant other or spouse. And best of all: It’s the holidays!

How can you not love this time of year? It’s the one time of year where most people seem to be in a good mood. Almost everyone can take a deep breath, step back and be thankful for what they do have. Generosity is on the up at this time of year. No one thinks of dumping their extra change or two in the red bucket in front of stores. And how can we overlook Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa? Three gift giving holidays in one month? I’ll be completely honest – I’m as happy as a clam when December rolls around.

I wish I could say that for everyone.

Just as sure as there is a “Black Friday” shopping extravaganza the day after Thanksgiving, the holiday boo bugs start to come out. Yeah, that’s right. I’m talking to YOU Grinch. You know who you are! You’re that one person that goes around denouncing everything and anything about the holiday season.

The holidays are nothing but an orgy of spending and materialism.

Everyone’s so fake this time of year. Like you’re forced to be nice.

Why should this be different than any other time of year?

This time of year just sucks.

Okay, Scrooge. I will grant you that there is a ton of spending. And yes, there are people who take the “Reason for the Season” (I won’t quibble, take your pick on deity, religion, or philosophical ideal) and completely bastardize it with greed and shallowness. But there are people like me, who make it a point to celebrate this part of the year with honest intentions and an open pocketbook.

And you just won’t shut-up about it! While other people are genuinely enjoying themselves and trying to make the best of it, there you are with your tired, bitter rant about capitalism and how we’re just whores to retail, etc. etc. etc. Meanwhile, all I want to do is wear my Tigger Santa hat and spend some quality time with my family and friends.

I’m not going to take it anymore. Listen up Scrooge, Grinch, and Willie T. Soke…Lily White wants to lay a little knowledge on your grumpy asses:


I can only speak for myself, but I’m sure some of you share my feelings. When it comes to the holidays, I spare no expense for my family and friends. Why? Call me dumb, but I enjoy spoiling them at this time of year. So many people give and give to make my life easier. Why shouldn’t I? My Mom and Dad gave me freakin’ LIFE. Why shouldn’t they see a little box from Coach under the tree with their name on it? It’s not like I go out and buy that stuff for them EVERY month. They’d never treat themselves that way…but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t! This is the one time of year where I can truly show them that I’m grateful. And stylish…don’t forget stylish.

Because I get so much in the course of a year (Heck, in the course of my life!), I don’t expect anything in return. When I gift, I gift because I think someone deserves it.

And about this “We should be nice all year round” argument you have. Well, guess what? I AM. It makes me feel good to treat others well…why would I limit it to one month a year?! December just gives me license to be more open about it. Because let’s face it – in today’s cynical society – any good deed is looked upon as questionable with a “What’s In It for You?” kind of attitude.

Humanitarian deeds over the course of the year do not have to be forking over your money to charities. It’s the small things too you know. Being humane is covering the lunch tab for a co-worker who forgot their wallet – and not making them pay it back. It’s going up to the one person at a party that obviously doesn’t know anyone and having a genuine conversation with them. Real charity is giving blood. Its spending a couple hours volunteering to take care of your sibling’s kids. If it’s done with true intentions, you’re fulfilling your destiny as a citizen of the universe.

So, take your negative, holiday-hating butts out of our way and fume in someone else’s corner! If someone sends you a card, just nod and take it. And for once, instead of going off on a 30-minute diatribe on how having turkey is inhumane, ENJOY your family instead at dinnertime. Like you’re so fond of saying – humanity is so much bigger than the holidays.

Fine. Start acting like it.

I’ll make a pact with you okay? If you don’t like the holidays…tell me. When we hang out, I’ll restrain myself. Think of it as my Christmas present to you. All I ask in return is that you stop lashing out at the people who are take this time of year to heart. We’re not evil for enjoying the holidays – we just seem to have a little more hope.

So save your belly aching for someone else, alright? Maybe if you relaxed a little, you might enjoy this time of year as well.

Oh, and by the way? Happy Holidays!


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