Happy Memorial Day 2007
Hello MGF Faithful!
Memorial Day is upon us and it is the official kick-off of the summer season. Before everyone goes rushing out to live the three day weekend lifestyle, I just wanted to take a moment to remember why we gifted with this time off.
I always try to take the time and remind myself – and consequently everyone around me – why holidays like Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day are here. Lost in the three-day sale extravaganza is the fact that we are celebrating the lives of men and women who gave up their own lives for our freedom.
It goes without saying that we need to observe this holiday with a measure of reality, especially with our military involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq still prevalent.
Even though I’m on a little R & R run in Sedona with Lenny – I wanted everyone to take a moment and let it sink in.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Much love and peace to you all!
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