We Are Our Own Entertainment
We’re baaaaaaaaack! Okay, sort of…
We are back from our fabulous trip to Toronto (High-fives to those of you who got the picture clues!). It was a blast! I thought I was going to do my usual MGF rundown…but after some inspiration, I’m working on a little side project. So, bear with me if you’re looking for my usual travelogues! It’s a little labor of love, but I hope to have something soon. Stay tuned!
And while there is a post tonight…it’s a little thin as Lenny is recuperating from a planned minor foot surgery that occurred the day after we got back into town. He’s being a good patient, but it’s taking up some time.
So instead of my irrational musings, I leave you some highlights (or lowlights) of the one-liner marathon that was Lily and Lenny’s Toronto Vacation:
“Whoa. That car came out of nowhere…”
“Lenny, let’s file that under ‘Things I never want to hear you say on vacation ever again!’”
- Pulling out of the Hertz parking garage, less than one hour into vacation
“I promise not to make fun of your old lady driving skillz if you get us to the hotel safely!”
- Lily as Lenny merges onto the freeway.
“We’re on an adventure.”
- The White Family motto whenever a wrong turn was taken on the way to the hotel.
“Am I the only one concerned we’re driving on a trolley track?”
“Um no…but I had made that whole promise not to make fun of your driving skillz…”
“Only we can turn a trip from the airport to the hotel into a three hour tour…”
“Maybe everything is metric…including customer service?”
- Lily during dinner at Gretzky’s Restaurant waiting for a drink refill.
“I’m going 120 Mr. Semi Truck! ISN’T THAT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?!”
- Lily conveniently forgetting the car is showing KPH, not MPH on the way to Niagara Falls.
“I smell like Niagara Falls…which apparently smells like wet dog.”
- Lily shaking off the mist of nature.
“It’s smoked meat, Lily. I don’t think it matters if it’s from Montreal...it’s going to be good.”
- Lenny at the Pickle Barrel Restaurant trying to convince Lily to decide on a sandwich.
“Just slap Canada at the end of everything…”
- Lenny’s observation on how the natives differentiate network channels they share with the U.S.
“You can’t hate them out of the sky, honey.”
- Lenny’s subtle way of telling Lily to leave the prevalent sea gull’s in the city alone.
“You know what would be cool? If you put a Tim Horton’s on one corner, a Starbuck’s on the other and watch them duke it out.”
- Lenny’s wish for Canada's coffee barons to have a death match.
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