The Modern Girl Friday

She's the sidekick, but she can be the whole show. She gives as good as she takes. She's one of the guys. She's all woman. She's a red-blooded, say what she wants with a twinkle in her eye, I won't take crap kinda girl.

Monday, October 30, 2006

BrownSuga's Sweet Spot: On my TIVO...

I am not a huge t.v. fan. Usually new shows will premiere and I never watch them. There have been so called classics that to this day, I've never watched a full episode of i.e. Seinfield, Everybody Loves Raymond, King of the Hill and even the Simpsons (I only watched the little 5 minute clips of the Simpsons that was featured on the Tracey Ullman Show, remember that???)

Anyway, there are some shows that I love. I've mentioned a few of them I think. Those shows are Gilmore Girls, the Amazing Race (the only reality show I'm willing to watch and Grey's Anatomy. But this season a few shows have caught my interest. I've taken up Brothers & Sisters, Ugly Betty (which is REALLY good but more on that one another time) and my new favorite show....HEROES!

Now if you've never heard of this show, I have to believe you are living under a rock. The following of this show in such a short time is amazing. But basically think of X-Men playing the six degrees of ______ game. The theory is that there are individuals on Earth that have special powers and these powers will help man evolve.

I know, I know. This sounds so far-fetched and crazy that it's stupid. But the show isn't. I'm not sure how it is they make it so addictive. It's like crack :). First off we keep meeting new "Heroes". There is a particular Heroine that has a power we can't quite figure out. That mystery, along with the twisted plot of this show keeps viewers tuned in week after week. Some characters embraced their power others pretend it doesn't exist. They learn a lot about trust. Who can you really trust when everything you know is flipped upside down? Who is ready to believe that being different isn't crazy?

These are the characters that I know of...
Peter Pertrelli - has the power to take the power of whoever he is around
Nathan Pertrelli - has the power to fly
Hiro Nakamura - can stop time
Isaac Menedez - can paint the future
Claire Bennet - indestructable
Matt Parkman - can hear people's thoughts
Niki Sanders - all we know for sure is she has a mirror image who can kick @$$
Sylar - bad guy who can take someone's memory
D.L. - Niki's husband who can walk through solid matter
Micah - DL and Niki's genius son (no actual power shown YET but I believe he can do something)

These are most of the characters. There are numerous others including one of the Heroes' father who is the ultimate bad guy but they don't know it yet. My favorite character is Hiro Nakamura. He and his best friend are traveling to New York to help save the world. He is the only "hero" who was truly excited about his powers. He doesn't speak english yet, so all of his scenes require subtext, but his acting is wonderful. And the humor makes up for having to read his scenes.

I have to give major kudos to the creator, Tim Kring. He has created a show that is new to television, mysterious enough to keep us guessing and entertaining enough to keep us watching. If you haven't watched it check it out. You can watch the last two episodes on

Sunday, October 29, 2006


MGF Faithful...this is adieu. least for the next month or so! November is National Novel Writing Month. What is
NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month is a "competition" versus the writer you believe in yourself. Founded by Chris Baty and group of his crazy friends, NaNo challenges you to complete every writer's dream in 30-days.

From November 1st-30th, over 50,000 writers worldwide will be aiming to fill a 50,000 word quota and crossing off "write a novel" on their To Do lists. Good luck to everyone who will be participating this year! If you're thinking about joining -- check out the NaNoWriMo website ( and get on board!

I will be joining them this year...sort of. While I did finish my novel completely last December, I have yet to complete the second edit. Yours truly thinks it would be a waste to have this book three quarters of the way done, so as a matter of pride (and a matter to keep Orchid and FJ off my back), I am taking November off the blog to work on my novel edit.

You may see me pop in here and there to voice some frustration or work through some writers block. But until then...I'm sure you'll be hearing form Orchid and BrownSuga on some kind of regular basis!

Okay people...see you in December (if not sooner!).

- Lily

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Reasons Why Arizona SUCKS in the “Winter”

Do not get me wrong – I LOVE where I live. Now that I’m used to the blistering summers and strange looks from Caucasians, Arizona isn’t that bad. Cost of living is great. Job market is wonderful. I can’t think of anywhere else I’d like to be.

However…does any other AZ dweller feel the way I do right now? We are on the brink of November and it’s not cold outside. Not only is it not cold…but its freakin’ picnic weather outside! I look in my closet and long to put on a REAL sweater. I pass by the store and tell myself, “Ohhh…that outfit will look cute once it gets cooler…” But good luck finding out when that will happen.

Arizona summers are LOOOOOOOONG. Arizona winters are too short for my tastes. I can hear the detractors right now: Quit your bitching, Lily…you live in a desert paradise!

Spare me! I’m a cold-weather kind of girl and I miss it! While I do live in what people would describe as an oasis, it still leaves something to be desired for those of us who enjoy weather. Think you might like to move here? I present to you my “Weather Based” opinion on my fair city:

Seasons? We Don’t Need No Stinking Seasons!
Having lived here for over ten years now – I have learned that there are only two seasons in Arizona. You have HOT and then NOT HOT. HOT generally happens between April and October…sometimes stretching into November. NOT HOT is what happens during the rest of the year. You know, at least California has the decency to be cold during the night/early morning and warm during the day! Leaves turn red because it’s Fall…not because it burst into flames on a 110-degree day. But don’t depend on the calendar to tell you which “season” you’re in. How do you know you’ve transitioned from HOT to NOT HOT? You get out of your car one morning at work and realize that you need a sweater. Why? Because you’re shivering and its 68-degrees outside. Chilly!

Migratory Pattern of (Snow) Birds.
Birds flock south for the winter…wanting to take advantage of warmer weather and friendlier skies. But it’s a little known fact that the species known as the “Snow Birds” traditionally flocks to our southwest locale starting about October. Think the swallows at Capistrano, only with an RV and permanently blinking left turn signal. This parasitic fowl often crowds our streets and places of leisure, bringing everything to a much slower and more aggravating pace. Whereas most birds observe the law of AZ traffic at 60-75 MPH, the Snow Bird can only do a measly 40 MPH over major freeways. Sometimes referred to as “blue hairs” the Snow Bird is easily spotted thanks to its crown of white feathers on its head. You will often find this species hanging out at our Casinos and Bingo Halls. Look for the male of the species to run about town in shorts, black socks, and sneakers. Thankfully, come the first sight of the HOT…the Snow Bird flees back to the North.

Shopping Mission: Impossible
If we are unlucky enough to have an elongated bout of HOT – the denizens of our fair state are pretty much S.O.L. when it comes to shopping by this time of year. Despite the fact knowing that heat is a big part of lives, retailers INSIST on stocking their stores with clothes that are probably better worn in places that actually have seasons. I feel especially for the kids who go back to school in August or September. Instead of being able to purchase more shorts and cotton shirts for our rug rats – we go to a local big box retailer and shake our heads at the fact that wool is the predominant material available. All I want in October is another pair of shorts to replace the ones I bought at the beginning of the summer…but you practically have to go to the same street corner that crack addicts buy their stuff from BECAUSE NO ONE HAS IT ON STOCK! C’mon people! Do we really need coats and hats HERE?!

I’m Dreaming of an 85-degree Christmas…
I agree…when the weather is NOT HOT, it’s beautiful! You’ll be very hard pressed to find anywhere else that matches Arizona. However…there have been several years where I’ve gritted my teeth at the weather for ruining holidays for me. A couple years ago…it was too warm to wear a sweater to Christmas dinner. In fact, it was almost too warm to wear the three-quarter sleeve button down blouse and slacks I did choose to wear. It’s just really funny to watch snow fall on a football field in the Midwest while you can sunbath by the pool on Thanksgiving Day. Don’t get me wrong, there are advantages. But it all just seems so wrong when singing “White Christmas” in sundress.

Blink and You’ll Miss It
It finally gets cold enough to put on some sweaters and jackets by the third week of November. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief that HOT is over. We don’t even mind the Snow Bird infestation so much. Thanksgiving comes…followed by Christmas…and then New Year’s. But like a smack to the back of head with a baseball bat, it gets warm again! And not consistently warm – oh no! You can cruise along for a couple weeks with 50-degree mornings and 70-degree days. THEN WHAM! Six straight days of the low to mid-80s. People get the hint that NOT HOT is over…so they put their sweaters and gloves away. But the moment they do…here comes another week of 50-60 degrees! I tell you, it’s enough to drive a girl nutty with all this packing and unpacking of clothes! By the time this game of cat and mouse is over – HOT comes back and doesn’t let go for about 6 months or more.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ranting Lily: Fear and Loathing in Paris

Paris is renowned in this world for many things: Fine cuisine, great wine, beautiful fashion, and a city that is one of the top destinations in the world. No doubt – Paris can be very exciting. I was lucky enough to go to Paris a few years back. Walking around the streets and passing by monuments that I’d only read about or seen in a movie was like a dream. Tasting all that legendary food and wine is an experience that I will take with me always.

Some people plan a lifetime to go to Paris. And who can blame them? It’s where you’ll find The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower. Paris is the home of that patisserie down the corner from your hotel with the awesome chocolate croissants. Sacre Coeur. Left Bank. Notre Dame. Crepes soaked in Grand Marnier at the Place du Concorde. Printemps. Champs Elysees. A small town square filled with local artists in Montmatre. It’s the City of Dreams. And you’ll have a good time.

If you’re French. If you’re not…well, as they say c’est la vie!

The best food, wine, and tourist attractions in the world can’t take away from something that Paris (and mind you ONLY Paris) is infamous for: Their distaste for foreigners.

I know, I know…that “rudeness” they’re known for is just a myth. It’s just us Ugly Americans overreacting, right? WRONG. Parisians still hate everyone (Some would say they hate themselves!). This point was recently brought to light as several cases of the
Paris Syndrome were diagnosed among Japanese tourists. The syndrome is characterized by irrational and paranoid behavior exhibited by Japanese men and women who had recently visited or lived in France.

How can you hate the same people who brought you
Hello Kitty?

While you can’t make a generalization about an entire population, I can tell you that the “Parisian Snub” is something that I have personally witnessed in my lifetime! And please note – I said “witnessed” not “experienced.”

When I visited Paris, not knowing the language was a big handicap. This being a business trip, I didn’t want to embarrass myself or my company – so I inquired about how bad off I would be linguistically. One of our liaisons in Paris had communicated to me that a concerted attempt at simple French phrases would probably do. So, I made sure my team and I learned some simple phrases (a.k.a. “Survival French”) to at least show that we were making an attempt. It’s a beautiful language and I thought we did fairly well at pronunciation. And I love words…this would work out fine.

I thought it would be fine. That is until we emerged from our Metro stop and had to navigate our way through the 14th District. Imagine four Americans of varying age, backgrounds, and ethnicities standing around trying to figure out how to get out of a street – which on the map – looked like it crossed seven different streets other than the one we were looking for. Finally, one of the guys in the group decided to take some initiative and asked for directions.

Ignore for a moment that there is an actual male asking for directions. Let me tell you about my co-worker “Greg.” Now, Greg was the furthest thing from a bad guy you could think of. Very easy going and courteous sort of fellow. The kind you take home to Mom and Dad. So, imagine my surprise as smiling Greg made attempt after attempt to get some help by asking "Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?”

Well…we eventually ended up finding where we needed to go…on our own and on time. But I have never really shaken off that look Greg gave me as he stumbled back over to us at the street corner.

I know this may sound a bit narrow-minded and perhaps bordering on jingoistic, but WTF is France’s problem? The world over – including many Americans – fawns over what you have offered to the world culture. Sure…we’ll make a surrender joke every once in awhile…but that’s beside the point! Your country has MILLIONS of fans who are willing to save and spend their hard earned money to visit you. Thousands of high school students in my state alone spend four years learning your language! For Pete’s used to like us! You gave a statue to put in New York harbor that was meant to welcome foreigners to our shores!

Look Paris…we hate the same cochons pompeux as you do! Why do you think a good chunk of the population agrees with your country about our President? You can’t keep giving out the directions, “Turn left and keep going until you reach Switzerland.”

For a city that’s known for its love…you sure don’t give a lot of it back.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I Don’t Think We’re in the Cheap Seats Anymore, Toto

In case you hadn’t noticed – I’m a big sports fan. Even better than that, I absolutely ADORE going to live sporting events. I am that nut who can (and has) stayed on a computer for HOURS to get tickets to a game (3 hours on a dial up connection for: Game 2 of the 2001 World Series, 5 tickets, Upper Bowl, $60 each). Hardly anything can beat a day game at the ballpark or a few hours at the rink. Being there just contributes to the love for sport.

However, BEING there can sometimes cost a pretty penny. You can usually break down ticket prices into two categories. You have “The Cheap Seats” (on average $6-$50 per person depending on your means). And “OMG YOU PAID WHAT?!?!” a.k.a “Club Level” (angling in the mid-high hundreds per person). Needless to say, Lenny and I usually sit in the Cheap Seats.

But every once in awhile, the sporting gods smile down upon us in the form of a “freebie.” This time, it was tickets to a Phoenix Coyotes hockey game won during a charity golf tournament by my father-in-law. Both Lenny and I grew up with hockey in our lives, thanks to that historic (and boneheaded) trade of Wayne Gretzky by the Edmonton Oilers to the L.A. Kings. With the Great One came hockey to the “sun belt.” Funny enough, he now coaches and partially owns our hometown team.

To date, this would be our third Coyotes game. Time and money haven’t always been our friends, despite our hockey love. We’d probably go to more Coyotes games – if the new arena wasn’t so damn far away! But free tickets are free tickets…and when Lenny found out they were primo Lexus Club Level seating, we were just a little bit more excited.

The Lexus Club Level at the Glendale Arena is the level that only the Arizona well to do can afford on a regular basis. Regular Joes like us can probably afford it as a rare treat (Think: Awesome birthday present!), but most of the time you pass by the entrance of this section wondering how the other half lives. they live nicely. Really nicely. Really. Nicely.

Now that I’ve had the opportunity to sit in the Club Level, I am a sport fan at conflict. The Cheap Seater in me is screaming “Traitor!” The Bourgeois Princess in me is going “How did I watch sports BEFORE THAT?!” I’m sure some of you are pretty much laughing at me right now, secure in the idea that I must be blowing this way out of proportion. It’s just not that simple. Let’s mull this over:

Ticket Prices: Cheap Seats
At the last hockey game we went to at the arena, I popped for seats behind the goal at $50 per person. We received the standard paper tickets.

Ticket Prices: Club Level
The Lexus Club Level seats were free this time. However, they retail for $175 each. We received a credit card like ticket that looks like a backstage pass!

Getting to Your Seats: Cheap Seats
Walk into arena, go through security. Locate seats via overhead signs that mark off each section of the arena. Hallways are usually tiled and crowded. Climb stairs if necessary if upper bowl seats are secured.

Getting to Your Seats: Club Level
Walk into arena, go through security. Take elevator up, enter the carpeted hallway that is decidedly less crowded. CHECK-IN at the club level table. There you receive your lanyard (to HANG you ticket around your neck) and a blue bracelet (usage to be determined later).

View: Cheap Seats
I think as long as you’re in the arena – ANY seat is a good seat! There are just variations in proximity and maybe a little obscured viewing higher up. But hey, if you miss something, there’s always the Jumbotron!
View: Club Level
Unobstructed view midway up the bowl. Far enough away from stray pucks. Not so far away that the players look like ants in an ant farm. You don’t miss a single play from this vantage point.

Food and Service: Cheap Seats
All sorts of stadium goodies! Candy, hot dogs, nachos, soda, etc. Of course, since you’re at a sporting event, you do expect to spend about $20-$25 for two on dinner. Then expect an additional $10-$15 on snacks. And that’s if you don’t drink. Food is taken back to your seats. In general, getting food requires getting up and getting into line with the majority (75%) of the attendance to retrieve it. Good luck with that in between periods of the game. Oh...there are a few monitors every 100 feet or so, that way you can catch a glimpse of the game.

Food and Service: Club Level
Holy crap…it looks like an upscale lounge! Tables, chair, bar stools all over so you can sit in a separate area from your regular seat. And so you don’t miss the game? LCD flat screen TVs. Five star cooking. The menu for the evening was a buffet of roasted pork, salmon and crab cakes with rice, dragon chicken, pasta salad, fruit plates, cheese plates, and a dessert bar. Someone from wait staff passes by every couple minutes asking if everything is okay. Add a soda to that meal and you could be at any downtown restaurant, not at a hockey game. And how much did it cost? Remember that blue bracelet? Blue bracelet = free food and non-alcoholic drinks.

Common Area: Cheap Seats
Concrete/tile concourses. Crowded, noisy, and a mass of humanity between play stoppages. You are guaranteed to brush against a person every 5 seconds. Sometimes, there are high top tables you can stand near if you want to hang-out and check out some of the other televised games.

Common Area: Club Level
Carpeted concourse. Decidedly less crowded. If you brush against someone – one of you has had too much to drink. Feel like you need a break from the game action? Have a seat in the comfy chairs that are set about in a living room setting around small coffee tables. Chat it up and watch the less fortunate mill around their common area from your second floor perch.

Restroom: Cheap Seats
Excessively long lines full of crying children and haggled mothers. When you finally get in there – good luck finding a clean stall that locks.

Restroom: Club Level
Hotel style public restroom with private cubicles instead of stalls. Shuttered doors with real locks! There’s even an attendant who apparently checks all the stalls every half hour for cleanliness! Ran in there with a full bladder fully expecting to do the “I Reallllly Gotta Go” dance. But it was half empty! Even the kids that were in there were quiet.

Final Verdict
Basically – all seats are the same. It’s the little things that make it different! While I enjoyed getting pampered and served in the Lexus Club Level and probably would do it again if the opportunity came up; I completely missed the buzz of being part of the general crowd! I like good food – but I missed my hot dog, pretzel, and nachos!

Oh…and the people around you in the cheap seats are always highly entertaining. You never know who you’re going to strike up a conversation with or who’s going to get tossed out for being drunk. In the Club Level – it felt like a corporate Happy Hour – except instead of office casual, it was hockey formal with jerseys everywhere.

In the end – you spend the same money anyway. Just spend it someplace that will make you enjoy the experience even more!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

They Like You Because You Cook Pork

“This house smells GREAT right now,” Lenny said coming downstairs. And it’s true. It smells better than great…it’s FANTASTIC! It smells like Pinoy comfort food. I’ve got two pots of pork adobo on the stove simmering in all it’s soy and vinegar goodness. I’m making two pots of the good stuff for a get together tomorrow night with Lenny’s teaching colleagues. The e-mail message that was sent out was loud and clear to Lenny:

Don’t even THINK of coming to this party without your WIFE and her PORK DISH.

Lenny and I laugh about this a lot. Ever since I made it for their holiday party last year, the friendly “threat” has been issued each time the English Department planned a get together. After a few of these requests, I finally said to Lenny, “I know this isn’t true – but it’s almost like they like me because I cook pork!”

No – Lenny’s colleagues are not a group of racist idiots. In fact, they are all wonderful and intellectual people. But the situation does always make me laugh and think. The first reaction I get from people when they realize I am Filipino-American is, “Oh! I have a friend who is Filipino!” Often it’s said with such enthusiasm that is meant to engender a feeling of
I know what you’re like because I have/had friends who look like you! Aren’t I cool?

Is that fair to any human to do that? Today, we are taught to embrace our cultural pride as tightly as those we love. But a lot of times, I feel like being a person of ethnicity means people put you on a pedestal and feel the need to celebrate you every five minutes. The kicker: They do it because a little part of them envies you for being so…exotic.

Whoa…wait a minute there, Lily! Are you saying I’m JEALOUS because you’re BROWN?

I know…it sounds a little weird, doesn’t it? I’m not saying that it’s that obvious material jealousy that populates the world. No one is being overtly harmed, but the evidence of this is everywhere.

Cultural diversity pervades every aspect of our lives these days. Look at fashion for hints and specks of African, Asian, and Mediterranean influences. When Julia Child started her show The French Chef in 1963, nobody outside of continental Europe knew that mousse was of the pudding family – not the sidekick of a flying squirrel. In this latest decade, sushi, fondue, and paella are common words in our lexicon and make frequent appearances on our dinner tables. When I talk to new parents and ask them what kind of life lessons they want to impart on their child – they often say they want to expose them to different ideas, religions, and cultures. Why? Because it’s better than the American culture.

February is Black History Month. September is Hispanic Heritage Month. October is Filipino-American History Month.

Let’s face it – to know ethnicity (or at least have fringe contact with it) supposedly makes you a better human being. And if you’re a person of color – that automatically makes you cool. Worse off…they’re looking at you to be that awesome. Forget the
White Man’s Burden. Multi-ethnic people are facing a Brown Man’s Burden, but instead of colonizing us to save us from paganism…people want to us to colonize them and save them from social inflexibility.

Comedian, song writer, singer (and favorite of one Miss BrownSuga), Stephen Lynch released a song on his album The Craig Machine entitled,
”Vanilla Ice Cream” in which he extols the physical virtues of colored women:

“Oh I hate vanilla ice cream, I like chocolate instead
I hope she likes her soul food with a little Wonder Bread
Don't call it Jungle Fever cause that just isn't right
I am not a racist, some of my best friends are white...”

The song cracks me up EVERY TIME I HEAR IT. But sometimes I sit back hope that Lynch, and men like him, love women of color for more than the tint of their skin.

When it comes down to it – it doesn’t matter what culture you come from. Ultimately we are the same thing. We are HUMANS. Instead of valuing someone for their cultural quirk, we should be getting to know them for the PERSON they are. And if you’re collecting friends in order to make your social circle look like a mini United Nations…you’re worse than a racist.

I remember reading a poem a few years ago called “They Like You Because You Eat Dog.” It was written by R. Zamora Linmark, a Filipino-American poet, as a piece of an 8-part literary vignette. I think Linmark wrote it for Filipinos like himself who were struggling to find their identity in the U.S. However, the last few lines of the poem really do bring home what I’m trying to say today:

“They like you because you ask for it, adore it.
They like you because you’re a copycat, want to be just like them.
They like you because, give it a couple more years, you’ll be just like them.
And when that time comes, will they like you more?”

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ranting Lily: This One's for the Girls

As an adult, I interact with the opposite sex quite a bit. Since I’m happily married, I don’t feel the need to go after any of them. This lends a certain kind of confidence to my personality. In short – I pretty much don’t give a crap, so I’ll say what I want. As Lenny states, I can sarcastically cut down men, put them in their place verbally, or razz them because I don’t need them. Not that that is a huge change from my personality growing up.

I’ve always been loud. I’ve always bucked the trend. I’ve always sought the balance between being a girl and being different from the norm. Sometimes it works for me…sometimes it cost me. But if I’m not that loud-mouthed, smart-ass…I’m not me.

Curious to me though, is that NOW men find this intoxicatingly cute! More than once I’ve been told that I would be the EXACT girl they would want to date. WHERE WERE YOU GUYS WHEN I WAS 17? I have spoken to a few women who have shared a seat on the same boat and we’ve come to the same conclusion.

You boys are infuriating like that! NOW YOU TELL US!

There are legions of former “Plain Janes” or “Best Gal Pals” out there that went dateless and ignored for years. They pined over crushes and lost guys to prettier, trendier models. She sat one seat over from you in History and got palpitations whenever you handed something back to her. We’re the ones who disappeared into the background while the coolest guy at school and the perky ingénue rode off into the sunset in his car. We were your first choice as a lab partner…but not even your fifth choice as a dance partner.

Why did you ignore us? Most would say it was youthful stupidity. In our younger years, most were searching for “lust” rather than “love.” And some of it could be our inability to make ourselves stand out. But the fact remains – we’ve probably been this way for years.

You can call me shallow at this point, but it really does chap my hide that only in older age males decide that it’s nerd from English class who wore glasses and had that slightly crooked smile that riles them up rather than the fully developed C-cup Princess. There are a lot of beautiful girls out there – just hardly any of you opened your eyes enough to see.

Then, some of you have the gall to kid yourself about being lured by looks over content! A male friend and I were having a conversation one day regarding the fact that I never dated in high school.

That devilishly cute bastard looked me in the eye and said, “I would have dated you no problem! I didn’t go just by looks, Lily.”

“Is that so?”

He nodded furiously, “Yes…beauty on the inside, right?”

“Yes,” I nodded…about ready to set the trap. “So, let me ask you this: Did you ever date the fat girl?”

When he finally did stammer out a haphazard “no,” the point had already been made. It’s easy to say that looks don’t matter and that it’s the personality that counts – but until you’ve dated the ugly girl – you don’t have a leg to stand on, guys.

So, why am I ranting about this now? I can agree that at this point, it sounds like bitterness. Lily is still resentful because she was never the Homecoming Queen or the girl that every boy was after.

Okay…maybe that’s a little part of it.

However the root of my rant is that I see pretty young girls’ everyday that was just like me when I was their age. They’re bright. They have everything going for them. The world is going to be theirs one day. We have taught this new generation to be proud of who they are regardless of what they look like – and did a damn good job doing it.

But it doesn’t mean anything if we don’t teach their counterparts to open up their eyes and see past the clothes from the Limited Too and make-up by Bonnie Bell. Once again, I just want to see a balance. Mentors, both female and (especially) male, need to teach the knowledge to those boys.

I think we’ve done enough to teach girls how to grow into women. It’s now time to teach the boys how to become men. Start them young – help them avoid the pitfalls. You’ll make some shy and awkward girl feel better in the future.

Monday, October 16, 2006

BrownSuga’s Sweet Spot: Top Ten reasons why I LOVE PHILLY!

I just returned from another wonderful trip to my hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We went to celebrate my aunt’s 50th birthday and my brother’s 28th birthday. Anyway here are the reasons why I love Philly.

  • Fashion. Now if you really know me then you know I could really care less about what I wear and if it’s “in style”. I am a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl and as long as I think it looks good on me I’m wearing it. But what I love is the difference in fashion between the north and the south. Females in Philly have a tendency to wear the same items as guys but with a feminine style to it, whereas females in the south are really “girly”. It’s normal to see “chics rockin’ the Tims” which I own several pairs of.
  • Climate. I am a fan of the separation and obvious distinction of seasons. When it’s winter I want to see snow. When it’s summer I want to feel the heat. When it’s spring I want to feel the breeze. And when it’s autumn I want to see the leaves change colors. Of course it isn’t all roses but it really is a nice sight.

  • Proximity to New York. I love big cities and the biggest I know is N.Y.C. Just under 2 hours by car and even less on the train, NY is an easy trip for anyone. The shop, the arts, the food, the atmosphere of New York is incomparable. When people visit, you have numerous tourist options to show between Philly and New York.
  • Tax Free Necessities. Food and clothing are necessary. And in Philly you do not have to pay taxes on them. Grocery bills are less, new sneakers are less, and everyday items are just less. And who doesn’t like to spend less?
  • E-A-G-L-E-S. I already said my piece about my favorite football team. And that love spills over to the Sixers, Phillies and Flyers. See previous post.
  • The neighborhoods. Each area of Philly is what I have always believed a real neighborhood looks like. Everything is within walking distance. There are corner stores where you can get some candy when you walk home from school. Or there are numerous eating options that don’t require driving. THERE ARE SIDEWALKS to actually walk on. Public transportation connects EVERY part of the city. And my favorite things about neighborhoods in Philly are the small “Mom & Pop” shops. Would you believe there isn’t a Wal-Mart in the city of Philly? The mega-retailers that saturate the south aren’t so big in Philly. Small businesses aren’t forced to compete with those giants. It’s such a nice change of pace.

  • Boathouse Row. If you’ve ever been to Philly then you probably know what I’m talking about. But if you haven’t below is a picture of it. It’s gorgeous at night. As you drive to center city Boathouse Row is on your left then you see the gorgeous Philadelphia skyline. And for the whole month of October the lights of downtown Philly are pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I got a chance to see that and it was amazing and powerful.

  • The history. Philadelphia is an old city. With cobblestone streets downtown, its rich history, wonderful diverse culture (schools are out for all holidays Jewish ones included) and liberal overall views, Philly is a breath of fresh air compared to this @*#&$&% city I live in. The liberty bell is here. The Franklin Institute is fun even for adults. And who can resist running up the stairs of the Art Museum just like Rocky?
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  • Cheesesteaks. Real ones not ones from tourist traps (I won’t mention names). But ask any person from Philly where they get their cheesesteaks from and they will name some hole in the wall place that is within walking distance of their home, work or school. As a rule never trust a place that calls them “Philly Cheese steaks” because a real one will never have to be called “Philly”. It will just be. It’s all in the bread. Amoroso rolls are the only rolls to be used. The meat is specific. It is chopped to the perfect consistency. And there is an art to ordering one. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to teach everyone but I’ll hold lessons every 3rd Monday and 1st Saturday after the full moon but before the fall equinox. Call me for details. Now there are other foods I can’t leave Philly without having they include water ice (if you don’t know what it is you haven’t had it and you are missing out on a summertime staple), soft pretzels with spicy mustard (no one makes these like the Pennsylvania Dutch), Jolly Joes and Peanut Chews.
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  • Family. I was born and raised in Philly. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and godparents are there. Getting to see everyone and catch up is the best. We are a close knit family with a lot of love. They are my support system and I am thankful for them each and everyday. And they are my reason for returning to Philly.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Food Doesn’t Need to Be THAT Entertaining

Dear Food Network,

For years I have turned to your network for fun, intelligent, and cool programming. Being a self-proclaimed “Foodie,” I have watched hours upon hours of your shows. I, as well as my fellow cohorts have laughed, learned, and fallen in love with your various personalities and chefs. Since you comprise about 75% of my television viewing time nowadays, I thank you!

However, a disturbing trend has reared its ugly head lately. I think it threatens the integrity of your programming. In the selfish interest of getting it off my chest (Because really – my little piece of Blogger real estate is tiny and undiscovered), I figured I’d write. You can thank me later if you want.

It all started at the beginning of your new summer season. I was excited because you were offering up some really cool looking shows! They were definitely going to compliment the schedule of my old favorites like Good Eats, Everyday Italian, and Unwrapped. The one worrisome spot though, was the increase in “competition” related shows.

And I was right to worry. In between the adventures of the Deen Boys in Road Tasted and the amazing cakes baked by Duff Goldman and crew on Ace of Cakes, I had to sit through the wide world of food competitions through numerous episodes of Food Network Challenge.

The new/original episodes air every Sunday. But dammit – how many times during the week are you going to air Food Network Challenge: Incredible Edible Mansions? To top it all off, you finished a week of programming dedicated to the food categories from The Guinness Book of World Records which includes one hour’s worth of programming filmed at an Orlando amusement park to watch oyster shucking, ice cream scooping, onion peeling, pumpkin carving, and mass pancake production.

Didn't our mothers tell us it was rude to play with our food?

Not that I can’t appreciate the fact that food competition is a serious activity. The winner of the Pillsbury Bake Off wins $1 million! That’s some serious dough (pun definitely intended). But seriously, the competitions you have started to tout on the schedule are just becoming repetitive. You have Iron Chef America, what more competition do you really need?

While you have done things such as burgers and chicken…you keep going back to the well and doing baking! Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, cakes, cakes, and more cakes! In the last two months, I have seen the same five-six cake decorators (who are really talented, don’t get me wrong) go at it for Elvis themed birthday cakes, wedding cakes, cartoon cakes, holiday cakes, and (ohhhh) mystery cakes! You tried to switch up the pastry challenges by combining it with other elements. But it just didn’t seem right (Hellloooo….pastry and ice sculptures?).

After about the third Food Network Challenge, it starts to get a little formulaic. I’ve stopped watching the first 45-minutes of the challenges. Everyone knows the real drama comes at the end when you mercilessly make the chefs move these beautiful and FRAGILE masterpieces from their test kitchen to the table. I bet you hope something breaks because otherwise there would be no pay-off to the hour.

As if the challenges weren’t enough – you let Bobby Flay put on Throwdown with Bobby Flay! I can’t stand this guy when he’s on Boy Meets Grill because he acts like he knows everything. Why make me look at his smug face as he tries to beat Joe or Joanne Everyman in cooking what they do best? Let these people have their spotlight! Does Bobby have to be good at EVERYTHING?

I’d be annoyed if Flay rolled up on my party with his fancy truck, full staff, and compliment of the best cooking technology. Where’s the real challenge in that? Want to give Bobby a real throwdown? Send him to a Third World village; pit him against the best cook there. Only give him a book of matches, a machete, a live chicken, and a bottle of water. Not so bad ass now…are you Flay? The only redeeming quality of this show is the fact that more than half the time – Bobby loses to the expert. And my heart dances for joy.

I don’t care about who can build the best cake based off of Scooby Doo! I want more Feasting on Asphalt and The Secret Life Of… This is where you guys shine! Don’t get sucked into the Reality TV hole! I’m looking forward to The Hungry Detective. Please feed our viewing appetite with more of these shows.

It’s about the food and how to find it and enjoy it! Don’t be like MTV where everyone gets all shocked because they’re actually play MUSIC on their network!

Stop with the competitions! Keep The Next Food Network Star and Iron Chef! These are about the only things most of us care about. Get Chef Keegan Gerhard a real show, not the cheap emcee job you make him do on Food Network Challenge. He’s better than that! If you have to…Flay can keep Throwdown, his winning percentage ain’t all that bad I guess.

Again, thank you for giving me some really cool shows to watch. Despite the new competition shows, I will probably still watch. Even at your worst, you’re better than most of the crap television has to offer. I never have to worry about try to eat dinner through an autopsy or watching the latest “celebrity looking for love” dating show.

Just please…go back to your roots!

Your faithful viewer,

Lily White

Thursday, October 12, 2006

They Still Gamble in Vegas...Don't They?

When we last left everywoman heroine, Lily White…she left for Vegas with $8, a debit card, and a credit card to her name. So what happened to the rest of her budget?

Oh…and she really wishes she could show you the pictures…but guess who’s still being difficult…

I Saw a Show:

In the recent past, the words “Vegas Show” always meant a few things: Feathers, sequins, and aging showgirls. While that might be a great piece of retro-entertainment now…you rarely found someone who’d actually WANT to watch a full out Vegas show. Any headliners of note were probably on the downside of their career. If you were playing Vegas…it wasn’t a good thing.

And then the Cirque came to town.

Once Montreal’s alternative circus came in with Msytere -- and actually turned a profit – it was cool to work Vegas again. And boy, did the names come! Nowadays, you can find huge names playing unlimited engagements. Why? Vegas offers stability! (I KNOW! Who would have thought that?) Where else in the world can you play six nights a week and get perks like you can’t believe? No wonder magicians, musicians, comedians, and freak shows a like love working in Sin City.

There’s Celine and her Coliseum (along with Elton who covers for her). Barry Manilow has rebirthed his career for my Aunts and their friends in Vegas. Cirque de Soleil not only has more than three shows running – but some of their best former employees have now created competing shows. Penn and Teller devote themselves to freaking people out with their bloody magical stylings. And even Broadway favorite Phantom of the Opera has settled into a new 90-minute running time and familiar sold out performances.

Comics have also found a new haven…filling up theatres three and four times the biggest clubs they used to work on the rode. Comedic workhorses such as Rita Rudner, George Wallace, Howie Mandell, and even that annoying schmuck Carrot Top pack the houses nightly. Laugh yourself to death at any one of the casino’s show venues and you’ll forget about the money you blew at the craps table.

The only downside is that with the bigger names, came the bigger price tags. The cheapest tickets at the box office easily start at $50 or more per person. So watching a show every single time you visit (for most people) is a real budget breaker. But how can you make things easier?

Turn to vendors who sell tickets for the same night performances. In some cases, you can get up to 50% the regular ticket price using
Tix 4 Tonight. Tix 4 Tonight opens up the lines at its four Las Vegas locations at around 10 a.m. There, on the several plasma TV screens, they’ll show you the list of tickets available for shows that night (both the discounted price and the regular price).

I’m not guaranteeing you’ll get tickets to Love or A Brand New Day for some incredibly low price. But if you’re willing to spend time and money…you can find a really good deal. Lenny and I were able to watch Howie Mandell at the MGM Grand for a pretty sweet deal because we passed by a Tix 4 Less booth near our hotel. So, don’t think that a good show is out of your reach…you just have to know where to reach for it!

I Walked Around Las Vegas’ Roots:

The cheapest thrill you can do in Vegas? Walk around and look! If you’re not turning your head every five minutes to see the someone wearing their exotic pet or showing off their cosmetically altered body – you’re checking out the architecture of one of the many replicas that Las Vegas has created (The Doge’s Palace, the Eiffel Tower, Steve Wynn’s ego…).

But why limit yourself to the strip? Lenny and normally do stay there, but this time around we went Downtown. According to some – we went slumming. But to each their own, right?
Anyway…the advantage of staying downtown is being on Fremont Street. In it’s heyday, Fremont WAS a big part of Vegas. It’s now home to what regular’s call “grind joints.” These are casinos that exist purely for gambling at the low end. The only exception to this rule is
The Golden Nugget (Which after being purchased by fish restaurateurs Landry’s, is undergoing extensive refurbishment).

Other than the Nugget…everywhere else is pretty much a dive (Okay, Fitzgerald’s is great if you’re learning how to play craps – low limits!). But if you are a history buff, Fremont is worth your time. Why? In an effort to save parts of its history, Las Vegas has taken some of the earliest and most notable artifacts and put them back on display.

Tucked away in a failing shopping complex call
Neonopolis, are a dozen or so neon signs from Vegas’ early days as a small, wild town have been refurbished and lit nightly. It’s really kind of cool to see these old signs. I come from a generation where the Circus Circus Clown was the landmark we looked forward to the most when we visited Las Vegas.

But you look at these signs and marvel at the two things. First, just the ingenuity involved in creating these signs in a time where technology probably wasn’t even a word is simply amazing. Second, it just reminds you of a different time. In today’s Las Vegas, you can have anything you want quickly and for a price. Back then…hotels touted the fact that they had STEAM to heat their rooms to get their clientele.

Times have changed…haven’t they?

So there you have it. Lily’s Vegas adventure without gambling. Even after having done it…it seems weird to say “I didn’t come here to gamble.” Will I do it again? Maybe. It just really depends on what kind of things you’re looking to do in Vegas. I am just glad I could prove I can do it!

Hope I spun a different tale of Vegas for all of you this time around!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

They Gamble in Vegas...Don't They?

Another two days, another quick jaunt to that desert oasis known as Las Vegas! As many times as Lenny and I go there a year, I think we can call ourselves “semi-local” now! Seriously, when we can direct an out of town couple to the nearest grocery store – we’ve been there a couple times or ten.

As the desert landscape tripped on by, Lenny and I ran through our itinerary. In general, we pick a couple things a piece that we really want to do. In general, we try to keep things lax. If we get to it, we get to it. If we don’t, there’s always two or three months from now!

Normally a trip like this involves a few standards: Good food, some attractions, and gambling. But for whatever reason this time around – I wanted to do this trip WITHOUT GAMBLING.

Okay, okay. You can pick yourself up off the floor now. You read that right! When I stood at the gas pump Sunday morning trying to determine how much cash I should withdraw from the ATM before hitting the road, I paused. I really didn’t feel like gambling. I didn’t want to worry about the money I was losing or winning. I just wanted to go and have some fun! So, MGF Faithful…yours truly went to Las Vegas with her debit card, a credit card, and $8 in cash inside my purse. Who needs gambling?

So exactly what did I do with the money that would have been lost on the craps table? I’m glad you wondered too!

I Bought Stuff:

It started last Christmas. I wanted to buy my parents Christmas presents that I knew they wouldn’t buy for themselves and were a bit frivolous. Heck – they raised five kids – don’t they deserve something a little fun? I walked into the Coach store in Scottsdale and bought them their tasteful, useful, and slightly lavish presents. But after I handed my Mom her signature wristlet, I kind of got the hankering for one myself.

THANK GOD for the Coach Outlet at
Las Vegas Premium Outlet. I walked in there in January and found…I’m still the simple and thrifty San Diego girl that I was brought up to be. While I loved most things Coach, I wasn’t ready to part with the $200 to buy the purse I wanted. The ever alert Lenny did however find me a leather sunglasses case (In purple – HOW COOL IS THAT?) that I justified the $30 expense. Then in May, during our MGF Vegas Vacation, I dragged Elusive Orchid in there and mustered up the courage to move up to the same wristlet I bought for my Mom.

After those couple of baby steps (and checking the old bank account), I thought I was finally ready to take the plunge. It was cute. It was leather. It was black. It was everything I could hope for. I set it back down when I took a look at the price. Oh well, maybe next time I’ll take the plunge for the full fledged Coach purse. Until then, I will definitely find solace in my new all-leather, hand-stitched, frame purse that I found at a great steal fighting the massive hoards this time around.

And the accessories obsession didn’t stop there! There’s always my favorite place to “feel rich” but not “spend rich” shopping venue
Mandalay Place. Created as the walkway between The Luxor Hotel and The Mandalay Bay, Mandalay Place is a collection of cool, unique, and funky stores. I always seem to find something there! As a plus-sized gal, that’s not an easy thing to do especially in a city that specializes in beautiful people.

But Mandalay Place never fails to disappoint. This time around it was a funky pair of shoes and a very kick ass necklace that were found at the youth oriented chain,
Urban Outfitters. I know, I know…I can find an Urban Outfitters ANYWHERE. In fact, there’s one less than five miles from my home here in Arizona. But – I never really find anything I like there. But somehow…Vegas makes it allllllllll better.

I Ate…A Lot:

Figuring that Lenny was putting up with a great deal of shopping – more shopping than any husband really should be put through – I had to feed him. Thank goodness both Las Vegas Premium Outlet and Mandalay Place have two places that have both become regulars on “The White Family Does Vegas…AGAIN” tour.

At first glance, one would grimace at the thought of All-You-Can-Eat sushi. How good can it be if it’s just being mass produced? And it’s $16 per person?! It’s a disaster waiting to happen, right? Yeah, that’s exactly what Lenny and I thought last January when we found Makino. One of the anchor retailers at the LVPO, Makino does brisk business everyday of the week. More importantly, it garners a very huge Asian following. That was enough to secure Lenny’s vote to try it. We figure if the people who eat/make this food all the time aren’t afraid to eat there…why should we?

The basics are as follows: It’s a buffet. You have you traditional entrée food items such as rice, chow mein, Korean beef, teriyaki chicken, etc. You also have a fabulous dessert section which includes the every popular chocolate fondue fountain (YUMMY!) as well as a variety of light and tasty sweets. But clearly, the star of the production is the sushi buffet. There’s easily more than a dozen versions of sushi, though mainly the nigiri and maki types. But let me tell you…seeing all that sushi just makes you want to try everything! So far, I’ve only gotten through half of the stuff in three visits. Eventually, I think I’ll make it to eel. Maybe. But until then, I’ll be stuffing myself with octopus, tuna, and salmon.

Not in the mood for seafood? Luckily, there are places like The Burger Bar. If you enjoy your cow on a bun – this is the place to eat it at. The brainchild of Chef Hubert Keller (of San Francisco’s Fleur de Lys fame), this restaurant isn’t satisfied with the same old beef hitting the grill. Oh no…at The Burger Bar, they make you say, “Why stop at beef? What else can I make into a burger?”

Taking a little from the buffet ideal, you start with you choice of meet. This being Las Vegas, you get to choose from the best free-range, organic beef out there (Ridgefield, American Kobe, and Black Angus varieties), but you can also get a burger made from Colorado lamb, Shelton Turkey, or even a steak of King Salmon. Once you’ve got the filling out of the way, choose your bread. Then top it. And this is where it gets most interesting. Where else on earth can I get a burger that could possibly be topped with half a lobster, green asparagus, and Monterey jack cheese?

Nowhere but Vegas, I tell you! But if you really want to go for the gusto at The Burger Bar…check out the $60 Rossini Burger on the website. Has to be seen to be believed.

So…what else did I do with my gambling money? Wouldn’t you like to know? Tomorrow: Rolling with Vegas Old School Style. And who knows? Maybe Blogger will stop being stupid and I’ll actually get to post the pictures I wanted to post tonight! One can only hope! - Lily

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Chasing Orchid: Gone Fishing

A picture of the StrikeZone, the charter we went fishing on. They're an awesome group if you ever want to go fishing on Maui!

It was a beautifully clear day, a hint of a chill in the air, as the sun rose over Haleakala. I still had another 15 to 20 minutes before full sunrise. I took a deep breath, cleared my head and wondered “What the hell am I doing!”

Seriously I must be a glutton for punishment. I had rolled in at about 2:30am that morning and here I was at 5:30am driving to the harbor to go fishing for six hours. I think the sea air had finally gotten to my brain.

Yes, the city girl was going fishing for the first time in her life. One would have thought I would have been smarter and made sure I was well rested for this trip. But no…one of my friends wanted to go see a band and go drinking, hence why I was driving on about 2 and a half hours of sleep.

Lack of sleep aside, it was a gorgeous day to go fishing. The sky was clear, the water calm as glass. We got into the charter boat as I fervently prayed I wouldn’t have to deal with live bait. I have enough bugs and creepy crawlies around and the last thing I wanted to do was touch something wiggly and alive.

My prayers were answered, the bait was fish belly and strips of squid. Aside from the smell and the gooey texture, it was a hell of a lot better than I thought it would be. I found out we were going trolling and bottom fishing. I just shrugged and went along for the ride.

After being shown how to bait my hook, I took a try myself. I must admit I did pretty well for a beginner (minus the tip of the hook in my finger). However, no one had bothered to mention that when I felt a tug on my rod I was supposed to jerk the pole up a bit to hook the fish. Needless to say I lost quite a few as I was reeling in the line.

Apparently we were trying to catch some sort of Snapper. I did get one little red fish but it was so small I had to throw it back. The fish we were looking for were a beautiful yellow with stripes, it seemed a shame to hook them but that was the name of the game.

I did manage to catch a couple fish by the time my six hours was up. I was hot, tired, a bit sunburnt but completely happy. Who knew dealing with slimy bait and wiggly fish could be so much fun? But as I’ve said before, I love to try new things, I’ll definitely be going fishing again.

Meanwhile….off to try my balance at surfing. *chuckles*

Monday, October 09, 2006

BrownSuga's Sweet Spot:....still in philly

Not quite home from the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection, but when I do return I'll post all about my hometown! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! Be safe!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Vegas, Oh Do I Love Thee!

With many, many, many apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Vegas, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth of the Bellagio’s pool and the height of the faux Eiffel
My soul can reach, when feeling out the craps table
For the ends of my point and the ideal of the perfect buffet.
I love thee to the level of every (chip) stack
Most quiet need, by the ante and straight.
I love thee freely, as men strive to hide their losses late;
I love thee purely, as streaks turn from hot to cold.
I love thee with a passion put to misuse
In my old griefs, and with Lady Luck’s faith,
I love thee with a love I seemed to find
With my lost dollars – I love thee with my growing debt,
Screams, cheers, of all my life! – and, if the Pit Boss, choose,
I shall but love thee better after I jet.

So…guess where I’ll be this weekend? You got it – VEGAS BABY YEAH! Have a good weekend…see you again on Wednesday! - Lily

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On Lily's iPod: The Bonus Edition

Since any type of activity this past weekend was restricted to pining in bed, blowing my nose, and medicating that godforsaken cold – there were precious few things I could do without irritating myself or Lenny. Thank goodness for music! In hindsight, thank goodness for the cold too, LOL. If it weren’t for the illness, I wouldn’t have had a chance to listen to two brand new CDs. Naturally, being a Modern Girl Friday, NEITHER of these CDs had anything in common other than it was music!

Weird Al Yankovic and Tony Bennett are about as different as you can get. But to me, it equated to a couple hours of happy music listening. So...on with the reviewing!

Straight Outta Lynwood: “Weird Al” Yankovic (Volcano)

Okay…get over it. He’s cool. “Straight Outta Lynwood” is #9 on the Billboard charts. You can’t argue with numbers and the fact that every couple years or so, Weird Al gets his own day on MTV. Now, wipe that look off your face and let’s get to the review!

If you’ve listened to more than one Weird Al album, you come to expect a few things. First, you expect the music quality to be there. After 20-years of albums, Yankovic is backed by a band that can mimic just about any song or style perfectly. Second, you expect a keen sense of wit and whimsy. Anyone can parody a song…but it takes some kind of mind to make you laugh out loud about it.

Thankfully, Weird Al is in top form in “Lynwood,” his first studio release in two years. Once again, he mixes up parodies of popular music (riffs on Usher and American Idol, Taylor Hicks to name a few) with original comedic compositions (Weasel Stomping Day is a favorite). But the man just doesn’t parody a song…he performs it like the original! Best example I can give you is the first single, White & Nerdy which is a wonder bread version of Chamillionaire’s rap anthem Ridin’. Check out the lyrics:

“They see me mowin’
My front lawn I know they’re all thinking
I’m so white and nerdy
Think I’m just too white and nerdy
Think I’m just too white and nerdy
Can’t you see I’m white and nerdy?
Look at me; I’m white and nerdy…

First in my class here at MIT

Got skills, I’m a champion at D&D
MC Escher - that’s my favorite MC
Keep your 40, I’ll just have an Earl Grey tea
My rims never spin, to the contrary
You’ll find that they’re quite stationary
All of my action figures are cherry
Steven Hawking’s in my library…”

And just how good are Al’s rhyming skills? On VH-1’s Best Week Ever, the statement was made that he is eons better than the ever annoying Kevin Federline. Even Weird Al raps for FUN (Take that K-Fed!). Which is exactly what “Straight Outta Lynwood” is…pure fun!

Duets – An American Classic: Tony Bennett (Sony-BMG)

Where Weird Al is the definition of fun, Tony Bennett is one of the last living examples of CLASS. “Duets” is released in order to celebrate the crooner’s 80th birthday. OMG! Tony Bennett is EIGHTY? He looks at least a decade younger than that! The CD and subsequent TV Special (November 21st on NBC) is a star-studded effort in the line of Frank Sinatra’s landmark “Duets” in 1993.

However, what makes Tony Bennett’s version so appealing to me was the wide range of musicians and vocalists who joined on the project. For the current Elder Statesman of Song, you’d expect appearances by the new school crooner (Michael Buble), the unique (k.d. lang), the smoky voiced jazz siren (Diana Krall), and other artists that transcend most musical genres (Elton John, James Taylor, Paul McCartney, Celine Dion and Sting).

Proving that he’s more than a singing head, Bennett and his producers packed the CD with many performances that cross musical lines and surprise you. The deep country twang of heartthrob Tim McGraw is softened and given a jazzy sound in his turn with Tony on the tune Cold, Cold Heart. U2’s ever talented front man, Bono, renders a very un-rock but edgy vocal in I Wanna Be Around. And breakout performer, John Legend, doubles up vocally and on the piano in a very playful Sing, You Sinners.

I would recommend that if you do purchase the album, do so at your local Target retailer. Why? While iTunes does offer the full 23-track compliment for $9.99, you are not afforded the bonus DVD that chronicles the making of the album. At an additional $4, it’s completely worth it.

No doubt, it’s an album of standards. But its standards taken to the next level! Each one of the tracks will have you either singing or bouncing along. Moreover, it’ll keep you looking at the track listing going “Who is he singing with? NO WAY!” For those who love the crooning style, I think you’ll be pleasantly pleased to keep this album on your shelf for a long time.

And HELLO! It’s Tony Bennett! What more can you ask for?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Chasing Orchid: Gone Snorkeling

Happy Tuesday everyone. Short and sweet today, I'm on vacation so I thought I would just show you a picture of what I'll be doing this week. Be back next week. ~Orchid

Monday, October 02, 2006

BrownSuga's Sweet Spot: Fickle is as Fickle does...

BrownSuga’s Sweet Spot: Fickle is as Fickle does…

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a BILLION times: I AM A FICKLE PERSON. I’m not exactly proud of this fact, nor do I pretend I’m not fickle. I am what I am. It’s something I’ve even tried to “work on” but my attempts haven’t been my most successful endeavors.

One of the reasons I don’t think it bothers me too much is because at my age I’m still learning about myself. I know some of what I say can’t be taken as concrete because the likelihood of me changing my mind is very high. I admit I’m FAULTY (See Lily…it’s not just Asians anymore ).

At 25 I’m scared to watch other people my age and younger making HUGE decisions knowing they haven’t truly discovered who they are. The expectations set on people at, what I feel are, ridiculously young ages are astonishing.

Seventeen and eighteen year olds are expected to pick a college and decide what they want to do with the rest of their life. After going to college and finding out after the fact that I don’t want to do what I went to school for, I’m not surprised so many quit or change their minds. Out of 10 of my college friends 7 of them do something completely different from their degree. And when meeting people around my age, I’ve found more often than not they are extremely unhappy with what they do career-wise and are trying to find a way to change it.

This all means that yes I’m fickle but I think a major part of it has to do with my age. I’m still learning about BrownSuga. I’m still figuring out what makes her tick, what makes her happy, what makes her sad, what her passion is. I decided to go to college. If I could go back and change that decision would I, knowing what I know now? I’m 85% sure I would and 100% sure that if I'd gone I would have done it differently. Do I regret my decision? No. I don’t regret anything I’ve done. Because everything I’ve done has been a learning experience. And the best way to learn is to go through it.

I get “addicted”. I find something and get addicted. I spend a tremendous amount of time with it and other things suffer. It ranges from the computer to working to volunteering. There are few things in my life that are important enough to have stayed important regardless of what I’m going through. But for the most part my interests change, what I want changes. The one thing that bothers me the most are friendships. I love all my friends. But sometimes friends are my addictions. I get hooked on a person or people. The friendships don’t end in a huge fights with harsh words. We just sort of drift apart. We get busy. Regardless of what the “addiction” is it changes with a frequency of about 6 to 9 months. And it is annoying (college was an addiction I was happy to see go!).

But wait, all is not lost! I’ve heard from numerous people that there will come a time when you realize who you are. You become the you you’ve always wanted to be. For some people it hits when they turn 30. For others it’s when they become parents. There are no set times it happens. We just hope that it happens. I’m still patiently waiting for my “Ah ha” moment to happen. For that moment when my fickleness is at it's least. Until then my interests will change. Don’t take it personal…

it’s not you…it’s me.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Complete and Utter Devotion…Until Something Else Comes Along

In what has become a Brown-White Family (Read: Baseball fanatics Lenny and Lily’s) tradition, we attended the last regular season/home stand game of the MLB Season. While we have been in the habit of going to these games, today was a little bit more special. Today, all of the Diamondback fans in attendance help bid farewell to Mr. Diamondback himself, Luis Gonzalez.

Gonzo has been the backbone and public face of the Diamondbacks for eight years now. Like many of his baseball contemporaries, he experienced a career renaissance in his mid-30’s, where he achieved and
produced to help the D-Backs win three National League Western Division titles. The highlight of his career (and our Arizona fandom) was the game winning hit in the epic 2001 World Series.

While Gonzo’s best years seem to be behind him at age 39, he is widely regarded as a great clubhouse guy and a phenomenal team leader. You can hardly find anyone in Arizona (except maybe for
Ken Kendrick) or in major league baseball, who can say ANYTHING bad about Luis Gonzalez. Despite this, Gonzo ended his storied career with the team he helped build today.

As the tributes kept pouring in during the game, I couldn’t help but be a little perturbed. Eight years is a long time to be with a team, but not really. I love Gonzo – but I come from a generation of baseball fans who watched Tony Gwynn play his entire 19-year career with the San Diego Padres. Cal Ripken, Jr. (however mediocre you make think he is) played a record 2,632 games in a row. When players like Ripken and Gwynn retired, there were feted accordingly. But now, we celebrate milestones in shorter spans. More worrisome – no one seems to stay with the same team they started with.

Where’s the love for loyalty?

Loyalty is apparently the new four letter word in our society. Apparently along with dishes and diapers – it is becoming increasingly disposable. Don’t like the class you’re in? Get reassigned to a new teacher. Think you job isn’t paying you enough right now? Find one on Monster or Career Builder that will. Your beloved wife of ten or more years isn’t as fit or pretty as she used to be? Dump her and find a younger model.

Despite the fact that just about every possible marketing venue is pushing “loyalty programs,” it just doesn’t seem to pay to be faithful anymore. We are increasingly a mercenary society where our devotion is sold to the highest bidder. The faster and better we get – the more we think we should have. And if I can’t get it from you – tough cookies.

I have to say that this progression worries the crap out of me. I’ve always been brought up believing that if you dedicate yourself to something worthwhile, you’ll be rewarded in the end. Short-term celebrations and temporary allegiances can’t possible be healthy. I’m all for celebrating achievement, but I think that we really need to redefine what “achievement” actually means. I remember my senior year of high school. I was practically begging my Mom for a class ring. I just really felt like I deserved it – I worked my ass off in those four years (and without a driver’s license or being allowed to socialize like my friends)!!!

But despite my protesting, my Mom didn’t back down. Her reasoning was simple. “You’re just finishing high school. What would the point be? When you finish college, then we’ll talk.” Looking back on it, she was actually right (YES – I just said my mother was right). Graduating high school is NOTHING like the accomplishments I’ve achieved in my life so far. While I don’t have my college degree, my career milestones have been far more satisfying. The class ring? It just would have been a symbol of the end of my childhood. I probably would have lost it. If that hadn’t happened, it would just be in a box somewhere because I would have stopped wearing the moment Lenny started buying me (better) jewelry.

We’ve got to get back on the true loyalty track people. But how? Well, here’s a short list to start:

1. Love Life: Stop knocking on people who’ve been together for years and work on your own damn relationship.

2. Career: Quit bitching about your current level of pay. Impress the hell out of someone and earn the right to negotiate about your job.

3. Sports Teams: Stop changing your freakin’ uniforms every two years! Sheesh…anything that is teal, purple, and copper shouldn’t be considered “retro.”

4. School: No one in counseling/administration likes a “Bouncing Betty.” Just take the class you’re dealt, dammit!

5. Consumerism: Just because they call it a “Loyalty Program” doesn’t mean YOU are receiving the benefits. They’re just suckering you in to buy more.

It’s like the old cliché goes: No man is an island. If we can’t find something or someone to truly care about – we become a shell of a real human being. When that happens, you might as well be the weird neighbor guy with thirty cats.

And believe me – no one really wants to be celebrated for that.