List Week 2006: Things I Won't Ever Be Ashamed Of's the last one! List Week was a blast and I got a lot of positive feedback! Hope you guys had fun with it to! - Lily
1. Singing and dancing in my car with my music full blast: I’m that girl in the Honda Civic next to you at the stop light who looks like a demon possessed as she sings and dances along to her stereo. I have been stone-cold BUSTED wailing out to Pink or Flogging Molly. I’ve received more than my share of strange looks getting my driver’s seat boogie on to the Black Eyed Pease and Kanye West. But I don’t care! I love my music. It moves me…let it move you and see what happens.
2. Believing that in the end, people will do the right thing: I’ve been burned so many times on this one. I’ve been let down by people who I’ve really been close to. But there’s something inside me that trusts the best attributes of humans. As many times as I’ve been tagged, I should be a true cynic. However, I think there’s a certain defeat in that. If I can’t trust ANYONE, what’s the point in interacting with people? I might as well lock myself up in my room! So, as I roam the earth, I just make sure to put my best welcoming smile forward…and put on a few layers of padding.
3. Hating diets: I know I could be losing weight faster by changing what I eat. I’d probably be at my goal size/weight sooner if I chose from South Beach, Zone, Weight Watchers, or Atkins. But you know what? I LIKE an occasional dessert, okay? I ENJOY my bleu cheese dressing on my salad. Food is about taste and (to a certain extent) pleasure. Why deny yourself? I see no point, thank you. Learning HOW to eat is probably more important than WHAT I eat at this point.
4. The way I’ve lived my life: I didn’t leave San Diego on the best of terms. I have been guilty of being hard headed. I have burned bridges. I have screwed up royally. But I wouldn’t change any of it. Without my mistakes, my successes wouldn’t exist. What I have learned affects what I do. So it’s okay to make mistakes…a life lived in full regret is a wasted life.
5. That my brain is a dumping ground for lots of information: My sisters, Fudgesicle Junkie, and Orchid have told me that I have a bottomless memory. In fact, it’s earned me the name “Rain Woman.” I’m not sure what it is, but I have acumen for acquiring and recalling useful and useless pieces of information. I can recall what Lenny and I had on our first date (Carl’s Junior Famous Star with cheese combo and Western cheeseburger combo). I can tell you when the “Wizard of Oz” was released (1939…along with “Gone with the Wind.” It was a good year for the movies). And I can tell you that the Kansas City Royals came back from a 3-1 deficit to beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the ’85 World Series. I know in the end, I’m going to be in a nursing home spewing out this information in a corner rocking chair. I need to cash in on this before that time comes!
6. Not playing the field: For those of you not in the know…Lenny is my first love. Well, first everything. I started dating him at 19 and we’ve been together ever since. Do I feel I missed out on the dating game? Judging by what my single friends tell me? Nope. Love you Lenny.
7. Believing things happen for a reason: Now, let’s get this one straight. I don’t believe in pre-destination. But I do believe there is a reason why people are put on this earth. Everything we do has a cause and effect. You meet and become friends with others for some purpose. You choose one job over another because you were meant to. I seriously doubt we were made to wander this earth without a point.
8. Having a good cry: One of my co-workers caught me bawling as we neared the end of a 16-hour shift. Her reaction was to kind of laugh at me. The fact that we had worked so long and the fact that it was the 2nd week in a row we were pulling these massive hours just really taxed my brain and emotions. I’m a sturdy girl…but even I have my breaking points. And that’s perfectly okay. We are seriously damaging ourselves if we NEVER let our feelings out. And I have this sneaking suspicion that those pent up emotions would manifest themselves in a very bad way in the future.
9. Loving anklets: The anklet chain has long been a fascination of mine. Worn the wrong way, it screams TRASHY. Worn the right way…it is a little BAD ASS. As a self-proclaimed “Mild Child” I can use all the bad ass karma I can get. So whenever I want to be a little sassy…I’ll throw on my anklet. It’s pretty neat to see it on when you’re dressed up for work. It’s a great pick-me-up right before a presentation or meeting.
10. Being feisty: Even as a child, I have been verbally combative. Most parents worry about their child inhaling bad habits from TV. Mine had to worry about me reading the encyclopedia or dictionary. I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge. But I’ve learned over the years that feisty is an art. You have to know when to bring it out full force and when to use it sparingly. While some people see it as a bad trait…I embrace it whole-heartedly!