Fading Star (Jones-Reynolds)
Dear Mrs. Jones-Reynolds,
Congratulations on shocking your former co-workers, now ex-bosses, and the viewing nation this past week with that pre-emptive verbal strike on The View. I have to admit, there isn’t a lot out there that surprises the venerable Barbara Walters – but you managed to do it!
Due to my current work schedule, I have not been able to watch The View as actively as I used to. But I remember when you and your couch mates were a part of my daily routine. Ah…those were some mighty good times! I remember laughing my butt off at some of the zingers and observations you would make along with Meredith, Joy, Barbara, Debbie, and Lisa (Sadly, I’ve not been able to see you in action with Elisabeth, but I heard she fit rather well!). But as I reminisced about the fun past, mentally reviewed all that you had done in the last decade, and read up on your abrupt departure, one thought just kept rolling around in my mind.
What happened to Star Jones? Where’s the convivial, sassy, intelligent woman that dominated the couch when she arrived in our living rooms nine years ago? The Star Jones I see today is, literally and figuratively, a SHADOW of her former self.
There was a time when I thought you were the most awesome thing on morning TV. By being on The View, you were killing all sorts of birds with one stone! For the first time I had a cool role model. A successful, professional, charismatic, funny, minority female on television? And someone who was the same size and had the same tastes in clothing as I did? FREAKING. AWESOME.
I was in my early 20s, away from home, and trying to decide how to live my life. Like a lot of young women my age, we were searching for who we wanted to be. Your cheery and fearless approach showed us that we could do whatever the hell we want because we related to you! Every time I sat down to watch, I told myself, “There’s a woman in control and knows what’s up.”
Thanks in part to your positive role modeling – I became a woman in control who came to know what was up! I found something I was good at and started developing my new career. In the course of natural progression, it took me away from my mornings with you and the girls, but life was good.
Then, you started popping up in my media view again. You were getting married! I thought to myself “Good for you!” But then came all the publicity. I did think it was kind of odd, but I remember how I wanted my wedding to be JUST RIGHT. And you were a celebrity, and celebrities live their lives times ten. So, I overlooked to freebie-grubbing publicity snowball. The woman just wanted the wedding of her dreams!
However, the little demons started to appear. You short stint as a red carpet commentator didn’t last very long – even as an admitted smart ass – your remarks were a little to snarky for my tastes. Then the rumors of diva-like behavior started to spring up. I hadn’t watched in a long while. And I didn’t want to judge sight unseen. Being a fan, I let it go until I could see it for myself.
And then I saw a picture of your three months ago.
Okay, girl…I will be the LAST ONE to begrudge you wanting to lose the weight. Bottom line, you have to be happy with who you are. If you want to be that thin – more power to you! But, damn. Did you have to lose that loveable personality along with the pounds?!?! I watched the show and my charming, fiery friend was replaced by a tan and vacant shell!
It was like I lost a really good friend to time and distance.
Now you’re leaving the couch for good. As you exit the burning bridge away from your television past, you’re telling anyone who’ll listen how wronged you feel and how let down by the fact that Barbara Walters and those skinny biatches cheated you. You’re probably right. You could have at least gotten half of what Meredith got when she left to go to “Today.” Nine years of loyalty should warrant something in this world.
But on the other hand – you are also leaving behind a group of women who feel a little hurt by your actions. Instead of being the classy and bright representation of your astrological namesake, you’re going to fade into the media sky burning out before you could make your big mark.
Good luck to you on the press circuit. I’m sure that there will be more interviews and maybe a book or something like that. Before you move on to bigger and better things – this humble fan asks that you bring back the Star of old. Save her before she completely disappears! I miss her. I think a lot of us do.
Warmest regards,
Lily White