Things That Have Caught My Fancy
Here we go MGF readers! Another list of things that make Lily’s world go round!
1. Maria Sharapova’s New Nike Ad – OMG…this commercial cracks me up! If you haven’t seen it, this is the cornerstone of Nike’s new “Pretty” campaign where they focus on the beauty of a woman playing sport rather than the beauty of the woman. The ad has Sharapova going through her pre-tennis game life with those around her singing the lyrics to the Broadway classic, “I Feel Pretty.” It’s clever, funny, and fitting. Also, it’s a good spot for tennis. It’s been quite awhile since the tennis world had a bonafide star on their hands…that could actually swing a racquet (Yeah…I just called you out, Anna Kournikova!). Since her 2004 Wimbledon Championship, the media has been crowning the blonde Russian as the next coming. Currently ranked #4 in the world going into the U.S. Open, it’s a pretty good bet. I like Sharapova; she makes things interesting and doesn’t seem like a stuffy tennis princess.
2. Fish Gotta Blog – My cousin's husband (and faithful MGF reader), sent me an e-mail with the link to this blog, writing that “I used to work with this guy and he is very smart and descriptive. He moved up to Seattle and I miss him terribly.” I figured I owed him the looksie. We share the same kind of reading preferences and he’s still kind of pissed that I got him hooked on a particular internet cartoon I reviewed here a few weeks ago (Okay, the words “I hate you for getting me hooked on this!” were pretty convincing). So I finally checked it out when I had a free moment. I really enjoyed it! Phil, the proprietor of the blog, has a very candid P.O.V. And his dry wit is just the right tone that leaves me on the floor cracking up while everyone else is still trying to get the joke. Go on, check it out. It’s a slice of daily life you get hooked on like the ubiquitous Starbucks that line the streets of Phil’s hometown.
3. Project Runway – I’ve been nursing this little fashion addiction of mine since the first season. Fact: I’m a clothes whore. And while I really enjoyed the first two seasons, I have to say that Season 3 IS THE BEST! We’re about halfway through it and we’ve already had one designer get kicked off the show for cheating, another designer finding out she’s pregnant, and yet another designer making the mother of one of his competitors CRY. I have watched each and every episode twice this season. The designers are better, flashier, and bitchier than ever! Each design challenge has me going, “How are they going to pull THAT off?” Lo and behold…they almost never disappoint. Ohhh…the infighting is the best. Jeffery is wayyyy better than last season’s Santino as the bad guy. Why? Somehow, someway, I know Jeffery actually MEANS what he says. That kind of honesty (while self-delusional at times on Jeffery) is hard to come by on television. And how cool is design mentor, Tim Gunn?! I can’t wait to see how this season ends! Check out Project Runway on Wednesday nights on Bravo
4. Ben and Jerry’s “Dublin Mudslide” and Drumsticks – Lenny and I have been on an ice cream kick lately. A little ice cream after a nice dinner is a great way to finish off a hot Arizona night. So, we’ve been experimenting. Right now, these two things keep popping up in the shopping cart! The Dublin Mudslide is an “Irish Cream Liqueur Ice Cream with Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies and a Coffee Fudge Swirl.” I say its friggin’ genius! The taste is just the right amount of chocolate and sweet cream that hits the spot after a long day. And to kick it a little old school, I got re-hooked on Drumsticks. Remember when the ice cream man used to come around your neighborhood and you always knew exactly what you wanted? This was my pick. That tasty waffle cone and the chocolate dipped vanilla scoop is simplicity at its best. Forget the Dairy Queen dipped cones…I’ll shell out for a Drumstick any day!